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Launch of the new disaster management guidelines – PARBICA Recordkeeping for Good Governance Toolkit

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We’re pleased to launch the new guidelines on disaster management as part of the PARBICA Recordkeeping for Good Governance Toolkit.

These five guidelines will guide you through the steps in effective disaster preparedness, response and recovery, and will show you how to identify vital records and assess significant records.

The new guidelines are:

  • Guideline 20: Developing a Disaster Preparedness Plan
  • Guideline 21: Developing a Disaster Response Plan
  • Guideline 22: Developing a Disaster Recovery Plan
  • Guideline 23: Identifying Vital Records for Government Departments
  • Guideline 24: Assessing Significant Records in Archival Holdings

The Programme Commission of the International Council on Archives provided the financial support for the development of these guidelines.

The development of these guidelines was as a result of the generous donation of time by many people.

Helen Walker and Fiona Gunn from the National Archives of Australia managed the project to deliver the new guidelines, with special thanks to the PARBICA Bureau.

Brandon Oswald from Island Culture Archival Support, Lillie Le Dorré and Talei Masters from Archives New Zealand, and Fiona Gunn from the National Archives of Australia wrote the guidelines. Editing support was provided by Greg Doolan.

Eric Boamah kindly reviewed the guideline on identifying vital business records. We are also very grateful to Linda Macfarlane and Monique Nielsen from the National Archives of Australia, and Emilie Leumas and Gregor Trinkaus-Randall from the ICA Expert Group on Emergency Management and Disaster Preparedness for reviewing and providing advice on the guidelines.

Ros Russell kindly permitted us to reproduce the Significance 2.0 methodology and peer-reviewed the guideline on assessing significance.

And finally, thanks to the members of the Pacific Island Reference Group, who steered the development of these guidelines:

  • Opeta Alefaio, National Archives of Fiji
  • Margaret Inifiri, National Archives Solomon Islands
  • Tukul Kaiku, University of PNG
  • Tess Perez, Yap State Archives
  • Noa Petueli Tapumanaia, Tuvalu National Library and Archives
  • Amela Silipa, National Archives and Records Authority, Samoa
  • Margaret Terry and Augustine Tevimule, Vanuatu National Library and Archives.

We hope you find the new guidelines useful. We welcome any feedback to parbica.treasurer@naa.gov.au