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PARBICA is administered by a Bureau consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary-General, Treasurer and up to four additional elected officers.


PARBICA’s initial constitution was adopted in October 1981 at its inaugural conference in Suva, Fiji. In addition to supporting the general purposes of the International Council of Archives, the objects of PARBICA are to:

  • establish, maintain and strengthen relations between archivists in the region and between institutions and professional organisations concerned with the custody and administration of archives;
  • promote the preservation and protection of the archival heritage of the region;
  • facilitate the use of archives through public education and improved access;
  • stimulate and organise archival activities;
  • provide and assist with formal and informal professional training; and
  • cooperate with other agencies concerned with the documentation of human and natural history in order to benefit all mankind.

A new version of the PARBICA Constitution was endorsed by the PARBICA General Conference in Brisbane, October 2009 and ratified by the International Council on Archives at its 2010 Annual General Meeting.