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Below is the updated PARBICA Constitution, endorsed by the PARBICA General Conference in Fiji, September 2017 and ratified by the International Council on Archives at its 2018 Annual General Meeting.

Previous amendments:

October 2009, Brisbane, Australia
August 2001, Koror and Melekeok, Palau
August 1997, Noumea, New Caledonia
27 June 1991, Pago Pago, American Samoa
Adopted October, 1981 Inaugural Conference, Suva, Fiji Islands

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PARBICA Constitution

As amended by the Seventeenth General Conference of PARBICA, 2017 and ratified by the International Council on Archives at its 2018 Annual General Meeting.


  1. Name
  2. Objects and Function
  3. Membership
  4. Organisation
  5. General Conference
  6. Bureau
  7. President
  8. Vice-President
  9. Secretariat
  10. Treasury
  11. Additional Elected Officers
  12. Communications and Publications
  13. Relations with the International Council on Archives
  14. Amendments
  15. Termination of Activities
  16. Interpretation
  17. Authority

WHEREAS Article 16 of the Constitution of the International Council on Archives (ICA) provides that archives and archivists wishing to strengthen their collaboration within the geographical area to which they belong, may group themselves into regional branches of ICA; and

WHEREAS at the Inaugural Conference held at Suva, Fiji, October 26-27, 1981 it was resolved to form a regional branch of the ICA for the Pacific region, comprising the Pacific Island areas, including Hawai’i and Australasia, with objectives and functions consistent with the Constitution and activities of the ICA; and

WHEREAS the parties of this Constitution desire to contribute to international and regional peace and common welfare of the people of the Pacific region by promoting collaboration among them in the mutual advancement of knowledge and understanding, the preservation and enrichment of indigenous cultures and the promotion of educational research;

WHEREAS, for the Constitution of PARBICA to be in accordance with the Constitution of the ICA and its other regional branches;

NOW THEREFORE the Seventeenth General Conference of PARBICA, held in Pacific Harbour, Fiji on 5 September 2017 hereby adopts the following Constitution:

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I. Name

  1. The name of this organisation shall be the Pacific Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives (PARBICA).

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II. Objects and functions

  1. The purpose of PARBICA generally shall be to carry out the aims and objectives of the ICA, and to:
    1. establish, maintain and strengthen relations between archivists of the region and between all institutions, professional bodies and organisations which are concerned with the administration or preservation of records and archives, or with the professional training of archivists, especially through the exchange of information;
    2. promote the management and use of records and archives and the preservation of the archival heritage of the region, through the sharing of experiences, research and ideas on professional archival and records management matters and on the management and organisation of archival institutions
    3. facilitate the use of archives in the region by encouraging public education and information, by making them more widely known, and by encouraging greater ease of access;
    4. stimulate, organise and coordinate activities to support recordkeeping and archives in the region;
    5. sponsor and/or certify professional training of regional archivists and other recordkeeping professionals;
    6. cooperate with other organisations or institutions concerned with the documentation of human experience and the use of that documentation for the benefit of mankind.

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III. Membership

  1. In accordance with Article 16 1(a) of the ICA Constitution, “Any institution or individual qualifying for membership under article 4 should become a member of ICA before joining a regional branch”.
  2. Membership of PARBICA is divided in the following categories:
    Category A (Voting Members):
    National, state or territorial archive directorates from the Pacific region.
    Category B (Voting Members):
    Relevant professional associations from the Pacific region.
    Category C:
    Institutions concerned with the administration or preservation of records and archives, or with the professional training of archivists;
    Category D:
    Individuals working in the field of the administration or preservation of records and archives, or of archival training and education, in the past or present;
    Category E:
    Those individuals who have made outstanding contributions to archival work in the region and have been elected to honorary membership of PARBICA by the General Conference.
  3. In addition to 1 above, members of the ICA from outside the PARBICA region may join the Branch, subject to the agreement of the PARBICA Bureau.
  4. Members of PARBICA suspended from the exercise of the rights and privileges of membership of the International Council on Archives shall, upon the request of the latter, be suspended from the rights and privileges of PARBICA.
  5. Members of PARBICA, expelled from the ICA, shall automatically cease to be members of PARBICA.
  6. Any member may withdraw from PARBICA by written notice addressed to the President. Such notice shall take effect on 31st December of the year during which notice was given. Such withdrawal shall not affect adversely the financial obligations owed to PARBICA on the date withdrawal takes effect.

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IV. Organisation

  1. PARBICA shall include a General Conference and a Bureau.
  2. The assets and income of PARBICA shall be applied exclusively to the promotion of its objectives and no portion shall be paid or distributed directly or indirectly to the members of PARBICA except as a bona fide remuneration for services rendered or expenses incurred on behalf of PARBICA.

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V. General Conference


  1. The General Conference shall consist of the following: Voting Members, representatives of institutional members, individual and honorary members of PARBICA.
  2. Members who are unable to attend may be represented by another member holding a special proxy for this purpose. No member shall hold more than two (2) proxies.


  1. The General Conference shall determine the policies and activities of PARBICA. It shall take decisions on programmes submitted to it by the Bureau.
  2. The General Conference shall receive and consider the reports submitted periodically by members as requested by the Bureau.
  3. Any member has the right to speak at the General Conference and may submit proposals or communications in writing to the General Conference through the Secretariat.
  4. The Voting Members of the General Conference shall elect the members of the Bureau who shall then be deemed duly appointed.
  5. The names of candidates for the positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary-General, Treasurer and up to three additional Bureau officers are submitted for the consideration of the General Conference by a Nominating Committee composed of a chair chosen by the Bureau and two members, chosen by the Nominating Committee Chair, none of whom shall be an existing member of the Bureau.
  6. Candidates for the positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary-General, Treasurer and Bureau officers will understand and accept the responsibilities of the position as defined in Sections VI to XI.


  1. The quorum of the General Conference shall be the simple majority of Voting Members both present and represented by proxy. In default of a quorum the General Conference may sit as a consultative session with the General Conference’s functions vested in the Bureau.


  1. The right to vote at the General Conference is reserved to members in categories A and B or their proxy. In any country where there is more than one member in either category A or B, a second vote per category is allocated. Decisions shall be made by a simple majority of Voting Members present or represented by proxy.
  2. The General Conference may prevent a member from voting if dues are one year in arrears.


  1. The General Conference shall meet in ordinary session biennially. It may meet in extraordinary session if it decides to do so, or if summoned by the Bureau or on the demand of at least two-thirds of the Voting Members.
  2. At each General Conference the venue of its next ordinary session shall be designated. The venue of an extraordinary session, unless pre-designated by the General Conference, shall be decided by the Bureau.


  1. The General Conference, on the recommendation of the Bureau, may invite or admit observers at specified sessions of the General Conference.

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VI. Bureau


  1. The Bureau shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary-General, Treasurer and up to three additional elected officers. The President and officers must be working in the field of the administration or preservation of records and archives, or of archival training and education and they (or the institution they are representing) must be a member of ICA.
  2. Members of the Bureau shall serve from the close of the General Conference which elected them until the close of the next ordinary session. Office bearers shall be eligible for re-election to the same office, but shall not serve more than eight years consecutively in the same office.
  3. In the event of death or resignation of a member of the Bureau, the vacancy for the remainder of that term shall be filled by appointment of the Bureau, after consultation with and upon the recommendation of the organisation represented by the member.


  1. The Bureau is responsible for managing the current business of PARBICA, shall prepare the agenda for the General Conference and shall recommend the programme of work and corresponding budget estimates.
  2. The Bureau shall be responsible for the execution of the programme adopted by the General Conference.
  3. The Bureau shall have the delegated power to admit new members in categories A, B, C and D. Applications not approved unanimously by the Bureau will be referred to the next meeting of the General Conference, which will decide on the application by a simple majority vote.
  4. Subject to decisions of the General Conference, the Bureau shall adopt its own rules of procedure, and shall have the power to make rules and regulations governing the procedures for the conduct of the General Conference.
  5. The Bureau shall meet at least once a year, and shall meet in special circumstances if convened by and on the initiative of the President or upon the request of the majority of members of the Bureau.
  6. The Bureau is authorised between General Conferences, to take such action or make such decisions as circumstances may require, including the power to co-opt necessary expertise, provided that notice of such action or decisions shall be transmitted to the next General Conference at the earliest possible date, and subject to the endorsement of such actions or decisions of that General Conference.
  7. Visiting PARBICA members not being members of the Bureau shall be allowed to attend the meetings of the Bureau in the capacity of observers, and at the discretion of the President.
  8. Members of the Bureau shall exercise the powers delegated to them by the General Conference on behalf of PARBICA as a whole.

Special Provision

  1. Visiting PARBICA members not being members of the Bureau shall be allowed to attend the meetings of the Bureau in the capacity of observers, and at the discretion of the President.


  1. The presence of a majority of the members at the meeting of the Bureau shall constitute a quorum.

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VII. President

  1. The President shall preside over all meetings of the General Conference and the Bureau and performs all other duties as directed by the General Conference or the Bureau.
  2. The President represents PARBICA on the Executive Board of the ICA, and at all other meetings as required.
  3. The President represents the ICA in the Pacific region.

VIII. Vice-President

  1. The Vice-President supports the President and shall assume the office of President if they are absent or unable to carry out his or her duties and during temporary vacancies.

IX. Secretariat

  1. The Secretariat shall be led by the Secretary-General and consist of such staff as may be required. Its location shall be decided by the General Conference.
  2. Under the supervision of the President, the Secretary-General is responsible for the general administration and conduct of business of the Secretariat of PARBICA, for the planning, co-ordination and monitoring of the programme and activities of PARBICA, for the circulation of information relating to the business of PARBICA, and for the preparation of meetings of the General Conference and the Bureau, including the preparation of the agenda and official minutes for meetings.
  3. The Secretary-General shall carry out the functions assigned by the General Conference and the Bureau.
  4. The Secretariat has responsibility for the information assets of PARBICA.

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X. Treasury

  1. The Treasury shall be led by the Treasurer and consist of such staff as may be required. Its location shall be decided by the General Conference.
  2. The General Conference shall approve and give final effect to the budget and to the apportionment of financial obligations of members.
  3. The Treasurer, with the approval of the Bureau, may receive any donations, gifts, bequests and subventions directly from international organisations, governments, public and private institutions, foundations, associations and individuals.
  4. The Treasurer, with the approval of the Bureau, will actively seek to raise sponsorship and financial contributions to achieve PARBICA’s planned outcomes.
  5. The Treasurer shall present to the Bureau an audited Statement of Accounts, copies of which shall be furnished to the Members of PARBICA.
  6. The Treasurer has responsibility for all funds belonging to PARBICA.
  7. The Treasurer is required to prepare budget proposals, keep account of all receipt and expenditure and balances in these funds, and report on management of the funds to the Bureau and General Conference at each of their meetings.
  8. The Treasury will provide membership services to the Branch including maintaining a current directory of members, managing the admission of new members, and managing the financial obligations of members.

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XI. Additional Elected Officers

  1. Additional Elected Officers shall participate in all meetings of the General Conference and the Bureau and perform all other duties as directed by the General Conference or the Bureau.

XII. Communications and Publications

  1. PARBICA shall provide regular communications with its constituency in an appropriate format, including a newsletter or journal published at least once a year and other publications as required.
  2. The Bureau shall appoint an Editor who may or may not be a member of the Bureau. The Editor may call upon assistance as required.
  3. Members of PARBICA of all categories are entitled to free copies of the PARBICA newsletter or journal.
  4. Publications may be sold to non-members of PARBICA on a subscription basis, rates to be determined by the Bureau.

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XII. Relations with the International Council on Archives

  1. PARBICA shall work in close collaboration with the ICA and its organs in the pursuit of their common aims and objectives.
  2. The President of PARBICA serves as a member of the Executive Board of the ICA. A substitute for the President or Vice-President will be elected by and from the Bureau.
  3. PARBICA, through its President or substitute, shall represent the ICA in the Pacific region.
  4. PARBICA shall invite the President and the Secretary-General of the ICA or their designate to attend the General Conference.

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XIV. Amendments

  1. Proposals for amendments to this Constitution shall become effective upon receiving the approval of the General Conference by a two-thirds majority. The draft texts of proposed amendments shall be communicated by the Secretary-General to the Voting Members at least two months in advance for consideration by the General Conference.

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XV. Termination of Activities

  1. PARBICA may terminate its activities or give up the title of Regional Branch following a decision taken in its General Conference. In compliance with Article 16 (2h) of the ICA Constitution such a decision must be communicated to the President of the ICA.
  2. In the event that the activities of PARBICA are terminated, its remaining assets after dissolution and the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall be paid and applied by PARBICA in accordance with its powers to the ICA.

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XVI. Interpretation

  1. The English text of this Constitution shall be regarded as authoritative.
  2. Any question or dispute concerning the interpretation of this constitution shall be determined by the PARBICA General Conference under its adopted rules of procedure.

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XVII. Authority

  1. This Constitution shall be considered to have effect from the date of its adoption by the General Conference on 5 September 2017, subject to its approval by the Executive Board of the International Council on Archives.

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